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Review: Panasonic AG-UX180 4K Professional Camcorder

With its 1" sensor, 20x optical zoom, and extensive array of image controls, 松下的AG-UX180达到了平衡,非常适合消费相机市场.

A decade ago, the prosumer camcorder ruled mid-level production. First with MiniDV and then with HDV, it enabled an entire segment of the market to produce corporate, 教育, 纪录片, 特殊事件, and other content without needing broadcast gear. Then came large-sensor video cameras and video-ready DSLRs, beginning with the Canon 5D Mark II, a full-frame 35mm camera. 它提供了被认为是“电影外观”的浅景深(DoF),尽管电影摄像机的图像区域较小, nearly identical to aps - c or crop-sensor digital cameras.

最终, the big camera makers responded with big sensor, aps - c, and even larger cameras and camcorders. 还有一些较小的传感器,如Micro 4/3和1”,也进入了这个市场. But the DSLRs and the more production-ready, interchangeable-lens, 大传感器摄像机的发展给中间市场留下了一个空白. 介于微型传感器的消费级摄像机和需要大量镜头投资的高端大传感器摄像机之间, 人们仍然需要一种大传感器的型号,这种型号可以方便地使用产消摄像机和集成镜头.

关于 a year ago, Panasonic introduced the AG-DVX200 camcorder,围绕其非常成功的GH4 4K数码单反设计的技术. 但它并不是一款基于aps - c并带有集成变焦镜头的摄像机, the DVX200 was about as close as you could get at the time. 它只有一些可能阻碍专业人士的操作限制. 其一是变焦较短,这是为了降低相机的重量和价格而必须做出的取舍. As a sensor gets larger, the glass required to deliver a bright, 长, and high-quality zoom gets bigger, 重, and more expensive.

Enter the Panasonic AG-UX180

If you could compromise with the sensor size, 你可以获得更长的变焦,同时还能避免镜头中所有东西都在对焦的1/3“传感器”或“手机”镜头. That’s where Panasonic’s AG-UX180 (下面的图1) strikes a balance well-suited to the prosumer market. Not only does it have a 20x optical zoom (plus some digital zoom on top of that); it does so with a 1" sensor that enables the user to capture some shallower DoF imagery than one would expect in a camcorder this size.

图1. The Panasonic AG-UX180

All of Sony’s 1" prosumer camcorders, such as the PXW-Z150, are limited to 12x optical zoom, 是什么让UX180在这方面领先于竞争对手.


多年来,我评测了几款松下摄像机,这款对我来说真的很舒服. 总的来说,某些功能的控件是我所期望的. The “business side” of the camcorder puts Gain, 白平衡, 快门, and Iris controls a长 the bottom edge, similar to the Sony design. 除了, 人们可以通过旋转这些控制按钮中间的刻度盘在这些设置之间滑动. 如果你不使用触摸屏,这也是你浏览菜单的方式.

Dual SD card slots handle recording duties. Regardless of which record mode you’re in—dual, 级联/继电器, 或者在一张卡上录制4K,在另一张卡上录制高清——这款相机可以满足你的需求. 有8个用户可分配的按钮,用于大约44种不同的相机功能. Some of the most used—OIS, 液晶/ EVF, WFM, 斑马, and Rec Check—are pre-assigned, but you can change them if you want.

例如, the viewfinder has an eye sensor, 所以你真的需要一个按钮来告诉它把图像发送到目镜吗? 我希望摄像机可以通过目镜向我和摄像机前的人显示图像,使用LCD屏幕翻转以便他们可以看到, but no such luck. This button could easily be used for other purposes.

The UX180 features a built-in waveform monitor and vectorscope, which you can use separately or have both meters on-screen (下面的图2). This is a huge feature for properly assessing an image. 波形和矢量镜提供了一种临床评估图像的方法,而不需要您校准监视器. 即使屏幕上有强光,它们所传达的信息也不会改变, or tired eyes after 8 hours of production.

图2. Choosing waveform monitor (WFM), vectorscope, or both

音频控制包括能够选择的内部, forward-facing microphones, or either of the XLR inputs on the body of the camcorder. 一个是放在前面,方便连接到一个更高质量的鸟枪麦克风,如果你想. 另一个是放置在摄像机的后面,方便连接到房子的声音在线级,如果你想要.

Either input can be internal mic, 外部XLR, or 外部XLR with phantom power, set to mic or line level. 有趣的是,您甚至可以将左右通道设置为任何一个外部输入. 所以如果你有一个线级输入,你可以把它馈送到摄像机的两个通道. 这意味着你不必担心在后期将其汇总为单核细胞增多症. 另外, 你可以通过设置一个通道比另一个通道低12-20dB来“保护”音频, so that if there’s a loud sound that clips the main channel, the second channel will record it without distortion.

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